Ethical Hacking 102

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Instructor: Dr.K.Sai Manoj

What you'll learn

Course description

This course provides you the hands-on training required to master the techniques hackers use to penetrate network systems and fortify your system against it. This ethical hacking course is aligned with the latest industry needs and will adequately prepare you to increase your blue team skills.

Course outline

CTC per Annum: 11 lakhs to 11.74 lakhs

Recruiters: Citi Bank, Deutsche Bank, Investment Banking Companies etc.

             Source: Indeed 

CTC per Annum: 6.13 lakhs to 7 lakhs
Recruiters: Deloitte, Accenture etc

           Source: Indeed 

CTC per Annum: 2.96 lakhs to 9.75 lakhs 

Recruiters: Oracle, IBM, CISCO, Goldman Sachs etc.

              Source: Indeed 

CTC per Annum: 2.4 lakhs to 26 lakhs

Recruiters: Oracle, Intel etc.

                 Source: Indeed 

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